Î'djîsigwA'ns gî dî'nAñ gwa'wañ sû'wasi.
Not a common woman at all | my child | he refuses | says.
Wa'gî dî'+nAñ gwa'wañ nAñ sû'wasi.
To it | my child | refuses, | some one | says.
A'ñga xA'nhao înasû'wa gîtî'n-djats xAn A'ñga ina'suwê+,
His own | just there | wants that one | Eagle-woman | yet | his | says he wants that one,
A'ñga xA'nhao înasî'ñgwañ.
His own | just there | he will marry.
Even a noble woman my child says he refuses.
One says he refuses her.
He wants just that Eagle woman for himself (indicating a particular one),
Just that one he will marry.