a |
Like a in German Mann. |
e |
Like e in helmet. |
i |
Like i in it. |
o |
Like o in German Mord. |
u |
Like u in German Furcht. |
â |
Like a in car. |
ê |
Like ea in great. |
î |
Like ee in teem. |
ô |
Like o in rose. |
û |
Like oo in loo. |
êi |
Long e with an i-tinge. |
ôu |
Long o with a u-tinge. |
í, ú |
Vowels of very short quantities. |
ä |
As in German wählen. |
a , e, i, E |
Superior vowels indicated only by the position of the mouth. |
E |
Obscure vowel. |
ai |
Like i in island. |
au |
Like ou in mouth. |
eu |
Diphthong e + u. |
q |
Velar k. |
q! |
Same as preceding, with very great stress of explosion. |
ɣ |
Velar spirant produced way back in the palate, which often sounds like weak r. |
x |
Like ch in German Bach. |
g, k |
As in English, sonants and surds difficult to distinguish. |
k! |
Like k, with very great stress of explosion. |
g. |
Palatized g. |
k. |
Palatized k. |
k.! |
Palatized explosive k. |
x. |
Palatized ch. |
d, t |
As in English, surds and sonants difficult to distinguish. |
t! |
Like t, with very great stress of explosion. |
t` |
Aspirated t. |
s |
As in English. |
c |
Like sh in English she. |
dj |
Like j in English judge. |
ts |
As in English sits. |
tc |
Like ch in English church. |
ts!, tc! |
Same as preceding, but with very great stress of explosion. |
b, p |
As in English, surds and sonants difficult to distinguish. |
p! |
Like p, with very great stress of explosion. |
l, m, n |
As in English. |
n |
Vocalized n. |
l, m, n |
Very long. |
ɫ |
Spirant lateral. |
L |
Sonant lateral pronounced very much like dl. |
L |
Surd lateral pronounced very much like tl. |
L! |
Same as preceding, with very great stress of explosion. |
? |
Glottal catch. |
x |
Velar aspiration. |
x. |
Palatal aspiration. |
h, y, w |
As in English. |
' |
Stress accent. |
~ |
Accent with an interrogative intonation. |