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p. 47


(See The Night Chant, p. 81, par. 355.)


1. From the base of the east.
2. From the base of the Pelado Peak.
3. From the house made of mirage,
4. From the story made of mirage,
5. From the doorway of rainbow,
6. The path out of which is the rainbow,
7. The rainbow passed out with me.
S. The rainbow raised up with me.
9. Through the middle of broad fields,
10. The rainbow returned with me.
11. To where my house is visible,
12. The rainbow returned with me.
13. To the roof of my house,
14. The rainbow returned with me.
15. To the entrance of my house,
16. The rainbow returned with me.
17. To just within my house,
18. The rainbow returned with me.
19. To my fireside,
20. The rainbow returned with me.
21. To the center of my house,
22. The rainbow returned with me.
23. At the fore part of my house with the dawn,
24. The Talking God sits with me.
25. The House God sits with me.
26. Pollen Boy sits with me.
27. Grasshopper Girl sits with me.
28. In beauty Estsánatlehi, my mother, for her I return.
29. Beautifully my fire to me is restored.

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30. Beautifully my possessions are to me restored.
31. Beautifully my soft goods to me are restored.
32. Beautifully my hard goods to me are restored.
34. Beautifully my horses to me are restored.
34. Beautifully my sheep to me are restored.
35. Beautifully my old men to me are restored.
36. Beautifully my old women to me are restored.
37. Beautifully my young men to me are restored.
38. Beautifully my women to me are restored.
39. Beautifully my children to me are restored.
40. Beautifully my wife to me is restored.
41. Beautifully my chiefs to me are restored.
42. Beautifully my country to me is restored.
43. Beautifully my fields to me are restored.
44. Beautifully my house to me is restored.
45. Talking God sits with me.
46. House God sits with me.
47. Pollen Boy sits with me.
48. Grasshopper Girl sits with me.
49. Beautifully white corn to me is restored.
50. Beautifully yellow corn to me is restored.
51. Beautifully blue corn to me is restored.
52. Beautifully corn of all kinds to me is restored.
53. In beauty may I walk.
54. All day long may I walk.
55. Through the returning seasons may I walk.
56. (Translation uncertain.)
57. Beautifully will I possess again.
58. (Translation uncertain.)
59. Beautifully birds . . .
60. Beautifully joyful birds
61. On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.
62. With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk.
63. With dew about my feet may I walk.
64. With beauty may I walk.
65. With beauty before me, may I walk.
66. With beauty behind me, may I walk.
67. With beauty above me, may I walk.

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68. With beauty below me, may, I walk.
69. With beauty all around me, may I walk.
70. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
71. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.
72. It is finished in beauty.
73. It is finished in beauty.


1. From the base of the south.
2. From the base of the San Mateo mountain.

(The rest as in Part I, except that 65 and 66 and also 67 and 68 are transposed.)


1. From the base of the west.
2. From the base of the San Francisco mountain.

(The rest as in Part 1.)


1. From the base of the north.
2. From the base of the San Juan mountains.

(The rest as in Part II; but "It is finished in beauty" is repeated four times.)


1. Haá` biyáden
The East | from its base.

2. Dzïlnadzï'ni biyáden
Pelado Peak | from its base.

3. Hadáhonige behogánden
Mirage | house made of from.

4. Hadáhonige bedahonikáden
Mirage | having its foundation of from.

5. Natsílït dadïnláden
Rainbow | the doorway from.

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6. Natsílït biké dzétïn
Rainbow | its trail | the passage out.

7. Natsílït sïltséïndel
Rainbow | with me it went out.

8. Natsílït sïldáindidel
Rainbow | with me it went higher.

9. Daiké hot`él elnígi
Field | broad | in the middle

10. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with me it returned.

11. Sóhogan bitsíhastigi
My house | from where it could be seen

12. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with we it returned.

13. Sóhogan sitkíge
My house | its roof

14. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with me it returned.

15. Sóhogan dzeetín
My house | the entrance

16. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with me it returned.

17. Sóhogan bahastláde
My house | just inside

18. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with me it returned

19. Sóhogan honïshá`de
My house | the hearth

20. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with me it returned.

21. Sóhogan yahalnígë
My house | the center

22. Natsílït sïlnáhindel
Rainbow | with me it returned.

23. Hayollsóhogan ntsitlági
The dawn | with my house | fore part

24. Hastséyalti sïlnaneské`
Talking God | with me he sits.

25. Hastséhogan sïlnaneské`
House God | with me he sits.

26. Tadïtdín Aski sïlnaneské`
Pollen Boy | with me he sits.

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27. Anilta'ni Atét sïlnaneské`
Grasshopper | Girl | with me she sits.

28. Hozógo Estsánatlehi samá bananestsá
Happily | Woman Who Rejuvenates | my mother | for her I return.

29. Hozógo sókon sïnastlín
Happily | my fire | is restored to me.

30. Hozógo sinalyée sïnastlín
Happily | my possessions | are restored to me.

31. Hozógo soyúde sïnastlín
Happily | my soft goods | are restored to me.

32. Hozógo sintlíz sïnastlín
Happily | my hard goods | are restored to me.

33. Hozógo sïlín sïnastlín
Happily | my horses | are restored to me.

34. Hozógo sidebé sïnastlín
Happily | my sheep | are restored to me.

35. Hozógo sahastúe sïnastlín
Happily | my old men | are restored to me.

36. Hozógo sizáni sïnastlín
Happily | my old women | are restored to me.

37. Hozógo sitsilké sïnastlín
Happily | my young men | are restored to me.

38 Hozógo sídzíke sïnastlín
Happily | my young women | are restored to me.

39. Hozógo saltsíni sïnastlín
Happily | my children | are restored to me.

40. Hozógo bïlhinisnáni sïnastlín
Happily | my wife (or husband) | are restored to me

41. Hozógo sinantaí sïnastlín
Happily | my chiefs | are restored to me.

42. Hozógo sikéya sïnastlín
Happily | my country | is restored to me.

43. Hozógo sidaiké sïnastlín
Happily | my fields | are restored to me.

44. Hozógo sagán sïnastlín
Happily | my house | is restored to me.

45. Hastséyalti sïlnaneské'
Talking God | with me he sits.

46. Hastséhogan sïlnaneské'
House God | with me he sits.

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47. Tadïtdín Askí sïlnaneské'
Pollen | Boy | with me he sits.

48. Anilta'ni Atét sïlnaneské'
Grasshopper | Girl | with me she sits.

49. Hozógo nadánlkai sïnastlín
Happily | white corn | is restored to me.

50. Hozógo nadánltsoi sïnastlín
Happily | yellow corn | is restored to me.

51. Hozógo nadándotlïzi sïnastlín
Happily | blue corn | is restored to me.

52. Hozógo nadán altasaí sïnastlín
Happily | corn | of all kinds | is restored to me.

53. Hozógo nasádo
Happily | may I walk.

54. Daládjin (?) nahatígo nasádo
All day long | | may I walk.

55. Tasí akenahotlédo nasádo
Thus | becoming again | may I walk.

56. Hozógo dalási nahádo
Happily | |

57. Hozógo ase nahotlédo
Happily | | I will get again.

58. Hozógo dasé ïndïntëso
Happily | (?) | (?)

59. Hozógo ayás indantáhi danditségo nasádo
Happily | birds | (?) | (?) | may I walk.

60. Hozógo ayás bahozóni danditségo nasádo
Happily | birds | joyful | may I walk.

61. Tadïtdín bekeétin nasádo
Pollen | its trail marked with | may I walk.

62. Anilta'ni bidesísgo nasádo
Grasshoppers | about my feet | may I walk.

63. Dató bidesísgo nasádo
Dew | about my feet | may I walk.

64. Hozógo nasádo
Happily | may I walk.

65. Sitsídze hozógo nasádo
Me before toward | happily | may I walk.

66. Sïkédze hozógo nasádo
Me toward behind | happily | may I walk.

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67. Siyádze hozógo nasádo
Me toward below | happily | may I walk.

68. Sikï'dze hozógo nasádo
Me toward above | happily | may I walk.

69. Sïná taáltso hozógo nasádo
Me around | all | happily | may I walk.

70. Sáan nagaí biké hozógo nesndo nasádo
Old age | wandering | its trail | happily | I will be | may I walk.

71. Sáan nagaí biké hozógo nasïstlíngo nasádo
Old age | wandering | its trail | happily | again living | may I walk.

72. Hozó nahastlín
Happily | it is restored.

73. Hozó nahastlín
Happily | it is restored.


1. Sadaá` biyáde
The south | from its base,

2. Tsódzïl biyáde
Mt. San Mateo | from its base.

(The rest as in part I except that lines 65 and 66, and 67 and 68 are transposed.)


1. Iná` biyáde
The west | from its base,

2. Dokooslít biyáde
San Francisco Mt. | from its base.

(The rest as in part I.)


1. Náhokos biyáde
The north | from its base

2. Debéntsa biyáde
San Juan Mts. | from its base

(The rest as in part II except that "Hozó nahastlín" is repeated four times.)

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Next: A Prayer of the Fourth Day of the Night Chant.