His supplication for achieving martyrdom in
the way of Allah
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
O Allah! You have shown a way out of many ways and have approved
of it. Have called Your pious people on it, and have termed it as a best
way which is beneficial for us and is a door of Your forgiveness and a
way of acceptance, then on that path the soul of the believers will be
purchased and Heaven will be their compensation, these will be the
people who wage a Holy War, are killed and Your promise is truth which
is mentioned in Torah, Bible and the Quran. Therefore include me
among those who sell their souls to You and whatever transactions they
do, they fulfill it, without turning their faces or doing any changes in it
and it is only adhering to Your promise, and have done to achieve Your
love and nearness. Send blessings on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.)
and his progeny and make him a supplement for my deeds and for You
a witness of belief in Your oneness. I do it in such a way that it becomes
a source of Your pleasure and a way for pardoning my sins. And grant
me the position of those living, who have succeeded. With the banner of
truth fighting against Your oppressors and tyrants, with firm steps and
have never expressed doubts, and I seek refuge from that which erases
good deeds.