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Vampire Ritual Book, © by Michelle Belanger, [2003], at Material can be reproduced for personal use on an individual basis in private spellbooks, books of shadows, and the like. Reproduction for distribution in any media or format is not allowed. To reprint material that appears in this book in a book, magazine, or website, please contact the author at the official House Kheperu website. For more information, consult

Chapter Six:

Archetype Rituals

The vampire as an archetype is a very potent tool.  The history of the vampire alone insures this. From its roots in Eastern European folklore, the vampire has influenced poetry, fiction, and film throughout Western culture.  The vampire as portrayed in these imaginative mediums further influenced the popular perception of the archetype, to the point where the perception of a real vampire was indelibly altered in the popular imagination.  The reflexivity of fiction and fact have made it nearly impossible to separate the reality of the vampire from the archetype: one feeds into the other in a loop as complicated and infinite as the orobouros.

     When working with the vampire archetype in mediums other than fiction or play, it is tempting to cast aside all those aspects of the vampire that seem to have developed solely in the avenues of fiction.  And yet there is no denying that the fictional portrayal of vampires has left an indelible stamp upon our imaginations – and it is our imagination with which we guide our Will in magick and ritual.

     For many years there has been a bitter divide in the vampire community.  There are those individuals who maintain that a vampire is born and not made. This has led to a stark exclusivity in the community where individuals who are attracted to the vampire as a symbol and an archetype are looked down upon by the "real" vampires.  I will admit that I myself come from the school of thought that vampiric qualities are more of a condition and therefore not something that someone can just choose to adopt.  However, in this sense, I am speaking strictly of vampirism in terms of an individual's need to take energy and/or life-force from others. 

     I will be one of the first people to admit that the vampire, as it has developed into an archetype in popular culture, is a potent figure, laden with psychological and metaphysical significance.  Because I recognize that the vampire as a archetype has grown into a potent symbol in the mythic imagination, I can see how a number of people may be attracted to this figure as a means of expressing certain aspects of themselves and of their spirituality.  These individuals may not necessarily be vampiric in the respect that they regularly require energy in order to maintain their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.  However, this fact does not undermine the vampire's allure to them, and it would be small of us who are legitimately vampiric to attempt to monopolize the archetype. 

     The rituals here are my attempt to harness the vampire archetype in a magickal and spiritual sense.  They are intended especially for anyone to whom the vampire appeals on a deep and personal level -- whether they are strictly vampiric in an energetic sense or not.  In some ways, the rites in this section are my attempt to bridge the gap between those groups of people within the vampire subculture that have been labeled "lifestylers" and those individuals who have labeled themselves "real vampires."  In light of the potency of archetypal images in both a spiritual and psychological sense, I see no reason why the vampire cannot be approached within a magickal context in order to empower, enlighten, and inspire practitioners. 

     I understand that some individuals within the vampire subculture are going to be critical of this approach, largely because it seems at first to cheapen their exclusive claim to real vampirism.  But I think over the burden of time we will see that those individuals who are by nature vampiric have potent allies and supporters among those individuals inspired by the vampire as an archetype.  To maintain the schism between “real vampires” and “lifestylers” merely weakens us by turning two aspects of our community upon one another.  A far preferable approach is for both sides to seek to understand and respect one another and further to acknowledge that there is even a possibility for some cross-over in these two approaches to the concept of vampirism.

The Vampiric Bond


     In the myths and stories, there is a legendary connection that can be forged between two vampires. This is sometimes called a "blood bond" and it has been widely popularized through fictional mediums such as White Wolf's role-playing game, Vampire: The Masquerade

Although it is most commonly a subject of fiction, the concept of a bond forged between two people and sealed by an exchange of their very essence is a potent one.  Such a deep exchange is possible and shouldn't be dismissed merely because it has a counterpart in fiction and fantasy.  In many cases, reality inspires fiction but there is nothing wrong with taking ideas from imaginative sources and putting them to practical use. 

     In magick, intent is everything, and the symbols you choose to express that intent are simply there to help you focus. As long as you can keep the fictional ideal separate from your practical use of it, there is nothing wrong or dangerous in deriving some of your symbols from a fictional source.  Additionally, especially where the vampiric bond is concerned, a good deal of the fictional treatments of this connection exist because there is a basis for the bond in real experience.

     The following rite draws upon this potent aspect of the vampire archetype.  It is designed to be performed between two people who are willing to be committed -- and connected -- to one another in ways that go deeper than friendship but do not have to cross over into romantic love. 

     The exchange of energy/life-force/essence that occurs here cements a connection between the two people that goes deeper than flesh.  It is something they experience in their hearts and in their spirits, and it is something that can tie them together empathically and even telepathically over great distances. 

     This rite is not something that should be undertaken lightly because it's not easily undone.  The Vampiric Bond should be approached as a sacred union -- not exactly a marriage, but certainly more than just "best friends".  The two people who dedicate themselves to one another in a rite such as this do not have to be -- or to become -- lovers.  However, they are expressing a deeply felt love that ties them, if not flesh to flesh, then soul to soul.

     The most important part of this rite is that it is an equal sharing between two people.  One partner does not hold dominion over the other; both are bound to the other on equal terms.  This is why each partner takes a turn at giving, and each takes a turn at taking from the other.  A bond of this magnitude, when it's unbalanced in favor of one partner, is disrespectful of the other person's value as an individual.  The disparity between the two people will eventually cause all manner of problems, and is something you should always seek to avoid.

     A couple final notes.  First of all, bonds like this do not limit you to just one person.  It's not like you have one link you can give away and then you're done.  If you want to, you can bond yourself to many people.  Just keep in mind that you should always do this with people you feel a very deep connection with, people you are respectful of, whose essence you are willing to share within your soul.

     Finally, because a bond of this sort is not necessarily a profession of romantic or sexual love, there is no rule saying you can only do it with a person of the opposite sex.  Do this with whomever you choose; so long as you and the other person feel a deep connection and respect for one another that you'd like to acknowledge in a ritual fashion, who you do it with is strictly between you and them.


The Rite:

To prepare for this rite, you and your bonded-to-be should set an evening aside where you can be alone together.  On your own, each of you should prepare yourself ritually: fast for at least an hour prior to performing the rite, drinking only water but eating no food and abstaining especially from alcohol, cigarettes, or any substances that might affect your perceptions.  Take a cleansing bath or shower, allowing the water to wash away any stress, distractions, or energies you do not want to bring with you to this intensely personal rite.

     Prepare the place where this exchange is going to happen.  Place pillows on the floor so you and your bonded-to-be will be comfortable.  Place candles or tealights around the room and dim the electric lights or turn them off completely.  Burn some incense that you both find pleasing and that will help set the mood for this sacred, intimate exchange.  Finally, put on some soft music in the background.  Select this carefully, making sure that both of you resonate with the music on some level and find its sound to be conducive to the sort of ritual atmosphere you are building.  Play it loud enough to drown out any extraneous noises that might otherwise distract you such as the sounds of traffic, neighbors, or room-mates. But keep it low enough so it does not detract from the experience, which should ideally be focused on just the two of you.

     When everything is set, and you both feel focused and at ease, you are ready to begin. Sit down with your partner and take a moment for each of you to get into a focused and relaxed state of mind.  You might find that it's helpful to meditate a little, just to still any turbulent emotions and help raise your consciousness to the level that this rite demands.  Once you are prepared mentally and spiritually, take a few moments to just feel one another's energy.  You can do this by holding out your hands, palms up, and having your partner place his or her hands over yours, palms down.  Your hands do not need to touch; in fact, it is easier to get a sense for the energy if you do not touch skin to skin so this very physical sensation doesn't block out the more subtle perception of energy.  You may also find that it's easier to sense the energy if you close your eyes.

     When you have both successfully started to perceive one another's energy, take some time to touch body and energy.  Gently put your palms together and feel both the energy and the flesh as they touch.  Concentrate on the sensation of the other person and their proximity to you, and work on opening yourself up to this other person until you feel some mingling of your energy with their own.  You may want to take the touching farther, moving beyond just your hands to running your fingers along wrists and arms.  As you touch your partner, make this a sacred rite, a worship of their essence and their flesh.  Touch them so you begin to know the feel of them with your fingers; caress their fingers, their palms, and perhaps even their face.  At no time does this touching need to be sexual; simply feel one another on both levels in an act that celebrates the sensation of both spirit and flesh.

     After connecting on this level, take a few moments to make certain that you each have dropped all the shields you otherwise maintain to keep people, emotions, and other energies out.  Open yourself completely to the other person, even if this makes you feel a little vulnerable.  Finally, once both of you are as open and unshielded to each other as possible, you are ready to begin the actual exchange.

     Kiss the person on the forehead over the third eye and breathe in as you do this.  As you take in breath, also inhale their life-force, tasting their essence upon your tongue.  Now place your lips gently over their heart.  Breathe in as you breathed in over their third eye, inhaling and tasting their essence.  Finally place on hand behind their head and tilt it to one side.  Gently lay your lips against the pulsing vein in their throat.  Press your lips to their skin just enough so you can feel their pulse against your lips.  Here again, breathe in deeply, breathing their life-force as you inhale.  You may want to put your free hand over their heart so you can focus even more completely upon the rhythm of the life coursing within them. 

     Feel that life bleeding out into you.  Breathe it in deeply, savoring the unique essence of it. Breathe them until you can taste and smell and feel them with every fiber of your body.  Breathe them until it feels as if your hearts are beating as one.  Pull their essence inside of you, feeling it gather in your chest.  Hold it in your heart until you feel their essence mingle with your own, so the other person truly becomes a part of you.

     When you are finished, gently release your partner, reverently drawing away from their throat.  Be sure to keep a hand lightly on their back or shoulder, as they may be unsteady after this exchange; you may find that you yourself are a little light-headed and dizzy.

Now the roles will switch.  You become the passive partner, and your companion will take from you.  He or she will go through the same set of motions: forehead, heart, and finally, throat.  You both may want to twine your hands together as you are sharing this together.  Many people find that if they close their eyes, they are able to focus more intensely on the sensation of the other person's essence and energy.

     Share with one another until you feel a deep and ineffable commingling of Self.  Make certain that this exchange is equal between you, so that neither partner has a stronger hold upon the other.  When you are done sharing between you, take a moment to separate physically and just feel the connection that remains within you.  Close your eyes and concentrate on the bond that now stretches between you and your partner.

     To close the ritual, both of you should face one another and place your hands over one another's hearts.  In unison, speak this vow:

I give of myself
As I take from you,
so we forge a bond
that ties us soul to soul

We are Immortal.
We are Undying.
And nothing can sever
the bond we have sealed

     Close your eyes and concentrate on one another's energy until you feel your two hearts beat as one.  Remain connected on this profound level for as long as you wish to: enjoy the intensity of experience this connection open up.  When you are finished, you may wish to say something more personal to your partner.  Do this if you feel you want to.  Then take down the sacred space and take some time to come down from your intensely heightened state.  Sharing a light meal or even just some cheese, bread, and wine, will help to ground you after such an intense working.

Vampire Sunrise Vigil


Perform this ritual when there is something in your life that you need to get over or leave behind, be it an attitude, a relationship, or a particular period of your life that needs to be over.

This ritual is best done alone.  It is also best done outside.  If you can find a remote spot with a good view of the east where you will be undisturbed for a few hours in the early morning, this would be ideal.

This ritual is symbolic of dying and letting go of things that are painful to you.  It gets its symbolism from the traditional idea that a vampire will burst into flames when exposed to the sun; there have been numerous instances in fiction and in film where a vampire has "met the sun" and thus brought an end to his or her life.  The idea is a powerful one of the flames of renewal, with a spin that makes it especially pertinent to those drawn to the vampire archetype.

All you need for this ritual is yourself, a small parchment which you will prepare ahead of time, a non-flammable bowl of sand (a large mixing bowl filled up half-way with play-sand works well), and a lighter or book of matches (a lighter is much, much easier than matches).  Please note that it you live in a dry climate that is prone to wildfires, please take every precaution necessary to insure that your use of fire out of doors does not get out of hand and endanger anyone.  It goes without saying that any rite that uses fire requires you to handle that fire safely and responsibly to prevent injury to yourself and anyone else.

The parchment that you prepare ahead of time will contain a statement or list that detail what you are symbolically “dying” to.  You may want to prepare this a few days ahead of the vigil itself and carry it on your person for a while, really charging it with the energy of those ideas, attitudes, feelings, and so forth that you are trying to let go.

Try to pick a clear, cloudless day for the ritual.  Ideally, the place where you will be performing the rite will give you a clear view of the sun -- some place where, once the sun rises, you will be bathed in its light.  If it is at all possible with your schedule, stay up the whole night before you perform this rite.  You can spend the whole night at the location of the final part of the ritual, but this is not absolutely necessary. 

When you are ready to perform the ritual, get up a few hours before dawn, while it's still dark enough to see the stars.  Take a ritual bath or shower to cleanse yourself and get yourself into a spiritual frame of mind.  Put on new, clean clothes.  You can drink some water, but otherwise you should fast, not eating, drinking, or smoking a cigarette until after you've performed the rite. When you are ready, take your parchment, bowl, and lighter and head out to the location you've chosen. 

Spend the next two hours or so keeping a vigil at the spot you've selected.  Sit down in the grass and meditate on what you want to leave behind and why.  Reflect upon all the reasons you are doing this and go over in your mind each little thing that led up to this point in your life.  Consider the words you have inscribed upon the parchment and what they mean to you.  Then think about what it will be like to release yourself from these things, to let the flames swallow all of it, until it is only ash, blowing away on the wind. 

As you start to see things grow lighter in the east, it's not uncommon to experience a certain amount of anxiety or even fear.  Any kind of letting go and leaving things behind is like a little death, and it's perfectly natural to be frightened of death, even if you've chosen to meet it on your own terms.  The most frightening thing about letting go of something you've gotten used to is the fact that you're never sure what might come next: so the fear of death is really a fear of the unknown.

As you watch the dawn approaching, consider these anxieties and fears.  Remind yourself that soon there will be no going back.  Once the sun slips over the horizon, you will never be quite the same person again -- the old you will be consumed by the fire, and something different will emerge. Wrestle with the fear and dare yourself to continue sitting there, to face the sun and all that it represents.  Dare yourself to face the prospect of letting go.

As the sun slips over the horizon, imagine that you are a vampire just like in the movies and the books.  Imagine that the rays of the rising sun indeed can scorch your flesh, are scorching it even now.  As you feel the sun fall on your face, your arms, your hands, feel it burning you to ashes -- burning away the person you were and leaving something else behind.

Once the sun has fully risen over the lip of the horizon, take out the parchment.  Read off the words you have written then -- out loud so all of nature can hear these words, or silently, reflectively to yourself.  Once you have read the words on the parchment, take out the lighter.  Strike the flame and say:


I let these things go.
I let them go,
And they are ashes
Carried upon the wind


Light one edge of the parchment.  Hold it as the flames lick toward the center.  Hold it as long as you can without getting burned.  When only a tiny edge held in the tips of your fingers drop it into the bowl of sand.  When the last ember has died, carefully pick up the charred parchment.  Crush it in your hand and blow these away on the wind.  With that final breath, expel everything and anything connected to what was written on the parchment that you have held inside you: all pain, all doubt, all attachment.  Let all these things drift away on the wind with the ashes of who you were.

When you are done, face the risen sun.  Feel its heat upon your flesh and know that it has burned away something you needed to let go anyway.  Take a moment to reflect on this in silence, then gather up your things and return home.

Death and Rebirth Rite

This is a very intense ritual that should not be lightly undertaken. A good deal of preparation is involved, and it must be run by people who know what they’re doing. The initiate will also invest a great deal of effort into this ritual. He or she must fast for at least twenty-four hours prior to the ritual. An hour prior to the ritual, the initiate must cleanse himself with a ritual bath. Oil of myrrh is added to the water.  After this bath, the initiate dries off and, nude, censes his or her body with the smoke from seven incense wands (myrrh again, or a dark, underworld scent).  The initiate must tie up his or her hair if it is long.  Minimal clothing should be worn. Some may prefer to be nude.

The ritual chamber should be prepared as follows: a table should be set aside to store the ritual implements.  These include a bedsheet, a roll of duct tape, a pair of scissors, a hood or blindfold, a vessel of pure water, a vessel of scented oil (vitalizing scents like lavender or rosemary are ideal), and a bell. A brazier with a charcoal should also be present with a copious supply of Phoenix blend incense (two parts sandalwood to one part cinnamon).  The room should be lit only with candlelight.  The room should be thoroughly cleansed, both physically and spiritually, and censed with the incense (phoenix blend) until the air is heavy with the smoke. The room should be set up as ritual space, with powerful wards, guardians, or shields to keep it safe. Two guardians, drawn from the Warrior caste, may be chosen to stand guard at the north and south of the chamber. They must remain silent throughout the rite, watching, except for when responses are indicate for all. They will take action only if a problem arises. It is recommended that no one beyond those directly involved in the ritual be in the chamber. If any exceptions are made, these people must stand on the furthest edges of the ritual space and remain silent throughout the ritual, except when responses are indicated for all.

A bed or table (a massotherapy table is ideal) should be set in the middle of the room. This may be draped with cloth or otherwise decorated. An extra length of cloth, preferably silk or gauze in a dark color should lie nearby.  This should be long enough and wide enough to completely cover the initiate when he or she is lying down.

At least two people should enact this rite with the initiate: a Priest trained in metasurgery and a Counselor trained in the role of Herald. Both of them need to be strong enough to carry the initiate between them and move him or her a short distance. An additional attendant may be required to assist with this part of the ritual.


Part I: Preparation of the Dead

(Soft music like chant or ethereal music should be playing softly in the background.  All curtains should be pulled.  When it is time, the Herald takes the hood or blindfold and goes to where the initiate is waiting.  The Herald approaches the initiate solemnly.)


Herald: You have been chosen to descend among the dead.  Have you prepared yourself?


Initiate: I have fasted and cleansed myself in body and spirit.  I am ready to descend.


Herald: Do you understand the perils of this journey? Do you know fully what you seek to undertake?


Initiate: I understand that the journey will be frought with danger. I accept all responsibility.


Herald: Few who descend into the realm of the dead, ever return to the light of day. Only the worthy can survive the tests in the Hall of Judgment.


Initiate: I am worthy.


Herald: So be it.


(The Herald lays a finger against the initiate's lips)


Herald: I declare you dead. You have lost the power of speech. (places the blindfold or hood over the initiate's eyes) I declare you dead.  You have lost the power of sight.  You are as a corpse now, and I will lead you to the hall of the dead.


(The Herald takes the initiate by the arm and leads him or her to the ritual chamber. No one speaks to the initiate or acknowledges him as a living being from this point forward. The Herald may be accompanied by an attendant, and this individual will assist the Herald in handling the "corpse." The Herald leads the initiate through the main door and announces the arrival of the initiate to the Priest.)


Herald: I have brought you the dead one, the corpse of N.  The body has been washed in water scented with myrrh.  The flesh has been cleansed with offerings of incense.  Now it remains for you to bind him (her) and prepare him (her) for journey into the underworld.


Priest: Bring me the corpse of N. that I may prepare it.


(The attendants walk the initiate over to the center of the room next to the coffin or table waiting there.) 


Priest: Hand me the shroud and held me wrap the corpse.


(The Herald takes the sheet from the altar and unfolds it. The initiate remains standing, blindfolded. The initiate’s arms are to be crossed upon his chest, hands in fists. Together, the Herald and the Priest wrap the initiate from the shoulders down to the feet.  The duct tape is used to further bind the initiate in the sheet, wrapping from the shoulders to the hips, then down the legs, to the ankles. The bindings should be tight, but not so tight as to interfere with circulation.  The Priest then leaves the Herald supporting the initiate and throws more incense on the coals.  The priest takes up the entire brazier and fumes the body of the initiate, adding more incense as necessary to produce copious amounts of smoke.)


Priest: This is the corpse of N., who was one of our brethren.  Tonight we prepare him for his descent into the netherworld. May the ancients protect him from the many perils that await him along his journey. May he reach the Hall of Judgment, strong and whole. And may he pass the tests, so that he will arise, a transcendent spirit, ageless and immortal!


Herald: May the ancients attend him and guide him.

(Once the initiate is firmly bound in the winding sheet, the Priest places his hand upon the initiate's forehead, over the third eye. This is the first Opening. The Priest should connect to the initiate's energy, reaching in and beginning to evoke a heightened state. The Priest should press forward into the initiate's energy, also pushing forward with his hand. The Herald should stand behind the initiate, bracing him with his body. The Priest continues to push forward, finally pushing the initiate over. The Herald, assisted by the attendant, catches the initiate. Together, they tilt the initiate horizontally, lifting him onto the table. Once the initiate is placed on the table, the


Priest draws the additional cloth over him, covering him completely. Note that this must be a very thin cloth, like gauze or silk, as it will be lying over the initiate’s nose and mouth for the duration of the ceremony. Once the body is covered, the Priest stands over him, preparing to perform the Opening Ceremony. The Priest must build a rapport with the initiate's energy and run through a quick, minor attunement to help push the initiate into an altered state. All are silent as the Priest does this work.)


Part II: The Underworld Journey

(It is recommended that the instructions to the dead person be read allowed from a book. When the response calls for “All” this includes everyone in the room with the exception of the initiate.))


Herald: N., you are dead, but still you can hear me. I call out to you across the worlds. Hear well my instructions. You are a spirit now, and you will travel through the realm of the dead. Along each stage of your journey, you will come to a gate. At each gate, there are fierce Guardians. They will not let you pass unless you make the proper sacrifice. You must give this willingly and completely before you can pass through. Listen to me, and I will help you.


(The Priest moves to the Root chakra, the seat of Min. First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy.)


Herald: At the First Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? And you must answer:


(The Priest, Herald, and any attendants all recite the response.)


All: I come to claim my birthright. You must let me pass.


Herald: The Guardians are fierce, and they will ask you, what do you offer? Fear not, N., but simply answer:


All: I offer my body, my connection to mortal flesh. I have no need of it here.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies.)


Herald: The Guardians will take this offering, and they will let you pass. Beyond the gate is a realm of shadows, N., filled with specters and frightening beings. The hungry ghosts will descend upon you and attempt to rend your flesh. But you have no body now, so they cannot hurt you. Do not fear what you see here, but keep you feet upon the path. If you proceed without wavering, you will come to the next gate.


(The Priest moves to the Navel chakra, the seat of the Ba. First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy. The Ba can be visualized as a bird that is trapped in a cage; when the cage is opened, the bird flies forth.)


Herald: At the Second Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? And you must answer:


All: I come to claim my birthright. You must let me pass.


Herald: The Guardians are fierce, and they will ask you, what do you offer? Do not waver, N., but simply reply:

All: I offer my life-force, the vitality of flesh. I have no need of it here.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies.)


Herald: The Guardians will take this offering, and they will let you pass. Beyond the gate there will be more shadows. The hungry beings that haunt this place will descend upon you, grasping to drink your life force. But you are empty now, and they cannot hurt you. Do not fear what you see here, but keep your feet upon the path. If you proceed without wavering, you will come to the next gate.


(The Priest moves to the Solar Plexus chakra, the seat of the Ka. First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy.)


Herald: At the Third Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? And you must answer:


All: I come to claim my birthright. You must let me pass.


Herald: The Guardians are fierce, and they will ask you, what do you offer? Do not waver, N., but simply reply:


All: I offer my shadow, the second vessel of my Self. It connects my flesh with spirit, I have no need of it here.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies.)


Herald: The Guardians will take this offering, and they will let you pass. Beyond the gate there will be more shadows, darker and ever darker. These are ghosts that hunger for other spirits, and they will descend upon you and try to tear your subtle flesh. But you have given up your second body, so they cannot hurt you. Do not fear what you see here, but keep your feet upon the path. If you proceed without wavering, you will come to the next gate.


(The Priest moves to the Heart chakra, the seat of the Ab. First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy.)


Herald: At the Fourth Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? And you must answer:


All: I come to claim my birthright. You must let me pass.


Herald: The Guardians are fierce, and they will ask you, what do you offer? Do not waver, N., but simply reply:


All: I offer my heart, the vessel of all I feel.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies.)


Herald: The Guardians will take this offering, and they will let you pass. Beyond the gate there will be more shadows, darker and ever darker. The hungry ghosts here seek any memory of emotion. They will descend upon you, trying to tear feelings from your soul. But you have surrendered your heart, so there is nothing that can feel. Do not fear what you see here, but keep your feet upon the path. If you proceed without wavering, you will come to the next gate.


(The Priest moves to the Throat chakra, the seat of the Khu. First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy.)


Herald: At the Fifth Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? And you must answer:


All: I come to claim my birthright. You must let me pass.


Herald: The Guardians are fierce, and they will ask you, what do you offer? Do not waver, N., but simply reply:


All: I offer my voice, the seat of spoken power.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies.)


Herald: The Guardians will take this offering, and they will let you pass. Beyond the gate there will be more shadows, so dark, you can barely see. The hungry ghosts here feed upon the magick of words. They will descend upon you, trying to suck the voice from your throat. But you have surrendered your voice, so there is nothing they can steal. Do not fear what you see here, but keep your feet upon the path. If you proceed without wavering, you will come to the next gate.


(The Priest moves to the Third Eye chakra, the connection between the body and the Akh. First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy.)


Herald: At the Sixth Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? But you have no voice, so simply remember the words:


All: I come to claim my birthright. You must let me pass.


Herald: The Guardians are fierce, and they will ask you, what do you offer? Do not waver, N., but reach up behind your eyes and offer your vision.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies.)


Herald: The Guardians will take this offering, and they will let you pass. You cannot see them, but you can feel the hungry ghosts pressing around you. They seek to terrify you with terrible visions, but you are blind to their work. You cannot be harmed. Do not fear the things here, but keep your feet upon the path. If you proceed without wavering, you will come to the final gate.


(The Priest moves to the Crown above the head, the connection between the subtle body and the Akh . First, he connects with the energy here, reaching in to stimulate and connect with the chakra. Then he begins to loosen the connections between body and spirit. The chakra should be visualized as a gate, and the Priest should work to open this gate, releasing the initiate's energy.)


Herald: At the Seventh Gate, they will ask you, why have you come here? You are blind to the Guardians, N., and you have no voice to speak. This is the hardest gate of all, for there is nothing left for you to give except your Self. Hear the words and make it so:


All: I offer what I am, my past, my present, and my future. There is nothing more to give.


(As the offering is made, the Priest makes a final pull on the chakra, releasing the energies. He then reaches down through all the opened chakras, pulling energy from the Root, through the Navel, through all the chakras, all the way up to the Akh, creating a geyser of energy that fountains from body to spirit.)


Herald: And the Guardians will take you and drag you through the Gate. They will cast you into the Hall of Judgment where you are to be weighed against the measure of truth. If you weigh the scales down, you will be destroyed utterly, given to the creatures here to be devoured. But do not fear, N., for you weigh nothing now. You are empty of everything, open and clear. The scales balance beneath you, and you are judged worthy to return, a shining, immortal soul.


(all pause in silence for a few moments)


Herald: The ancients embrace you, for you are one of their own. But you have been given safe passage, permission to return. You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. First, you are given back your sacrifice of Self.


All: You are an immortal spirit, shining and pure.


(The Priest connects with the Crown chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world.)


Herald: You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. Next, you are given back your sacrifice of vision.


All: You are an immortal spirit, your sight knows no bounds.


(The Priest connects with the Third Eye chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world.)


Herald: You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. Next, you are given back your sacrifice of voice.


All: You are an immortal spirit, your words vibrate with power.


(The Priest connects with the Throat chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world.)


Herald: You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. Next, you are given back your sacrifice of heart.


All: You are an immortal spirit, your feelings are pure.


(The Priest connects with the Heart chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world.)


Herald: You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. Next, you are given back your sacrifice of your shadow.


All: You are an immortal spirit. You move in two worlds at once.


(The Priest connects with the Solar Plexus chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world.)


Herald: You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. Next, you are given back your sacrifice of life-force.


All: You are an immortal spirit, vitality flows through your limbs.


(The Priest connects with the Navel chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world.)


Herald: You go from gate to gate, returning to the world that you know. Finally, you are given back your sacrifice of flesh.


All: You are an immortal spirit, you are clothed in beautiful flesh.


(The Priest connects with the Root chakra, reweaving the connections between body and spirit. The chakra must be closed, but only partially, so that the initiate is pulled back to his body and his awareness of the physical world. The Priest also pulls the cascade of energy back down to the root, anchoring the initiate in his body once more. After a few moments, the Priest pulls the cloth off of the initiate, grabbing it at the feet and whipping it aside. The blindfold is removed and the initiate is allowed to open his eyes. The Herald and the attendant help the Priest lift the initiate into a standing position once more.)


Priest: This is the body of N., recently dead, but returned to us. I share with him my life, my sacred breath.


(As the Herald and attendant hold the initiate up, the Priest cups energy into his hands and holds these before the initiate's mouth. The Priest then breathes a violet breathe toward the initiate, revitalizing his spirit and flesh. Alternately, the Priest can literally open the initiate's mouth and lightly breathe a violet breathe into the mouth. What is important is the transfer of energy.)


All: N. lives!


(The Priest takes the scissors and begins to cut the wrappings away. The others assist. The Herald anoints the initiate's forehead and lips with pure water. Then he anoints oil on the wrists, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet. When the initiate is fully unbound, the Priest embraces him.)


Priest: Welcome back to us. You have endured a great journey, and you are forever changed. Go now with the attendants. Refresh yourself and reflect upon what you have learned.


(The initiate bows and is lead from the chamber. It is recommended that the initiate take a second ritual bath to contemplate the experience and to help ground back into his body. The Herald and attendant should accompany the initiate throughout this, as the initiate may be dizzy and have trouble standing. When the bath is finished, all break the initiate's fast together, sharing a meal.)

Next: Chapter Seven: Yearly Rites