Wisdom of the Ages, by George A. Fuller, [1916], at sacred-texts.com
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Let earth's empurpled mountains fade upon my vision.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Let the great sun sink and fade from out the heavens.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Fade from my vision, oh, ye mighty worlds and suns, flaming with amber, and gold and purple light.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Past the great abysses of the formless and
the void where suns are born and worlds and suns sink in their graves.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Through spaces limitless and heavens immeasurable I fain would wing my way.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Through circling spheres of light where spirits and angels dwell I still would cleave my way.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Past globes of dazzling brightness where earth's Messiahs live still would I wend my way.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
On, on, with maddening rush through trackless azure fields, thick sown with sparkling
gems, on wings of love, oh, soul, pursue thy way.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Swift, oh, soul, be thy onward flight beyond those white-lighted spheres where archangels dwell.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Behold where dwell the sons of God in Infinite light and splendor.
Rise, oh, my soul, to still loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
With bowed and reverent head approach the centre where dwells the Infinite Omn, whose splendor, beauty and glory no artist soul can depict.
Yet rise, oh, my soul, to loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!
Within thyself unfold all that thine enraptured
spirit has beheld. Put from thee all that is unclean and impure!
Awake, oh, my soul, to loftier ideals!
Aroused be all thy latent powers!
Let thy destiny as revealed spur thee on to greater efforts, to nobler sacrifices!
Be clean, oh, soul; be pure, oh, soul!
Around thee shines the halo of immortal light!
Rise, then, oh, my soul, to loftier heights—
Unfettered be all thy wings!