The SEM priest next burned incense, and as he was doing this the Kher heb said four times:--
"Let him advance! Let him advance with his KA! Horus advanceth with his KA, Set advanceth with his KA, Thoth advanceth with his KA, Sep advanceth with his KA, Osiris advanceth with his KA, Khenti-Maati advanceth with his KA, thy backbone, advanceth with thy KA.
"Hail, Unas! The arm of thy KA is before thee.
"Hail, Unas! The arm of thy KA is behind thee.
"Hail, Unas! The leg of thy KA is before thee.
"Hail, Unas! The leg of thy KA is behind thee.
"Osiris Unas, I have given unto thee the Eye of Horus, and thy face is filled therewith, and the perfume of the Eye of Horus spreadeth itself over thee."
The Sem priest presenting burning incense.