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Euripides and His Age, by Gilbert Murray, [1913], at

p. 253


[Not including the Bibliography.]

Abdêra, 145

Achílles, 176 ff.

Actaêon, 64

Acts, book of, 20

Aêschylus, 11, 25, 67, 58, 66, 69, 118, 133, 180 ff., 184, 204, 232

   Agamémnon, 153, 207

   Chöêphori, 153

   Euménides, 181, 232

   Lycurgeîa, 64, 180 f.

   Pérsae, 42, 104

   Promêtheus, 65, 204, 236

   Seven, 42

   Suppliants, 118

Agamémnon, 131, 173177, 204

Ágathon, 167

Ágôn (Contest), 63

Aîtion (mythical cause), 65

Alcibîades (ĭ in Greek), 109115

Álcman, 103

Altar, in tragedy, 209 f.

Anaxágoras, 29, 50 f., 57, 114

Anaximánder, 62

Apóllo, 36, 119123

Archelâüs (like "slay us"): (1) philosopher, 55; (2) King of Macedon, 167

Archer, W., 219

Architecture of plays, 207 ff., 213

Árete (virtue), 38, 40, 59

Argos, 110

Aristides, 43, 46, 48

Aristóphanes, 25, 30 f., 73

   Acharnions, 26, 76

   Birds, 141

   Frogs, 25, 26, 112, 118, 170, 189, 190

   Knights, 26, 46, 110

   Women at the Thesmophória, 25, 27

Áristotle, 9, 20, 127, 241, 243

Athêna, 41, 129

Athens, after Persian War, 36 ff., 3741, 43, 108; ideals of, 3841, 107, 114; changes in, 105113; and Euripides, 2933, 89, 99, 119, 165 ff.; constitution of, 95 f.

Atmosphere of play, 208 f.

Augustine, 139


Biography, 20; of Euripides, 23

Blood-feud, 150, 151

Browning, R., 9


Cephîsophon, 29, 165

Chárites (Graces), 103

Chervil, 26

Chorus, 81, 226239; in dialogue, 235 f.

Clarity in style, 12

Classicism, 197

Cleon, 57, 107 f., 116

Clytemnéstra, 151155, 173178, 204

Coleridge, 202

Comedy. See Aristophanes, New Comedy

Convention in art, 201 ff.; as opposed to nature, 53 f.

Conversion, 138

Cornford, F. M., 63, 250, 232


Dance, 65, 227 f.

Dêmokédes, 48, 194 f.

Democracy, 38 ff., 114

Deus ex mâchinâ (appearance of a God from a stage machine), 63, 155 f., 158162, 219225. See Epiphany

Dickens, 35

Diógenes of Apollonia, 55

Dionysus, 64 f.; his ritual, 64 f.; festival, 67; in Bacchae, 186

Drama, Greek. See Tragedy mediaeval liturgical, 60, 64; Elizabethan, 59, 233


Elizabethans, 59, 233

Elmsley, 9

Empire, Athenian, 106108

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"Enlightenment," 48, 94, 114. See Ideas

Ephêbi, 43

Epicûrus, 20

Epiphany, 63, 155 f. 158162. See Deus ex Mâchinâ

Eurípides: birth, 22, 35; death, 170 f.; biography, 23 f.; portrait, 28; father, 35; mother, 26 f., 35; books, 28, 100; cave at Salamis, 28, 163; ideas, 8, 99; teachers, 5058; as playwright, 7, 10, 85; mysticism, 8, 161; attitude to Religion, 188192; influence after death, 10 ff.; relation to Athens, 30 f., 89, 96, 117 ff., 124, 164 ff.; and Comedy, 30; attitude to women, 28, 32 ff., 82 ff., 119184; style, 13 f.; technique, 123, 196 ff.; battle pieces, 101

Euripides’ Ode on Alcibiades, 111; Epitaph on those slain in Sicily, 142

   Aêgeus, 96

   Aêolus, 77

   Alcéstis, 69, 70 f., 86

   Alcmaêon in Corinth, 171

   Alcmaêon in Psophis, 70, 72 f.

   Alexánder, 135137

   Álope, 119

   Andrómache (like "from a key"), 96, 110, 161, 208, 223

   Andrômeda, 140144

   Antîope (ĭ in Greek), 237

   Aûge, 118

   Bacchae, 9, 19, 173, 179188, 193 ff.

   Bellerophóntes, 98, 188

   Children of Héracles, 98 f., 96, 208

   Cretans, 78

   Cretan Women, 70, 76

   Cŷclops, 60

   Danaë, 118

   Daughters of Pélias, 68 f., 79

   Eléctra, 150155, 193, 217 f., 223, 237

   Eréchtheus, 96

   Hécuba, 8788, 141, 161, 185, 229

   Hélena, 140, 144146, 161, 190

   Héracles, 97103, 189, 195, 208, 232, 236

   Hippólytus, 8486, 161, 189 ff., 208, 210 f., 216219, 223, 234, 235

   Îon, 78, 118124, 190, 197

   Iphigenîa in Aulis, 171179, 189

   Iphigenîa in Tauris, 98, 140, 143144, 161, 208, 227, 232, 236

   Medêa, 32, 7984, 87, 141, 161, 185, 190, 204, 227, 237240

   Melaníppe, 27, 118

   Oréstes, 155160, 166, 189, 193, 227

   Palamêdes, 135, 137 f.

   Phoeníssae, 146150, 161

   Rhêsus, 43, 69, 223

   Suppliant Women, 9296, 109, 210, 234

   Têlephus, 70, 73 ff.

   Thêseus, 91

   Trojan Women, 128134, 136 ff., 191, 210, 234, 236


Forgiveness, doctrine of, 159162

Frazer, J. G., 63

Freedom of Thought, 57, 94

French Revolution, 116


Gellius, 25

Glover, 138

Gods, 189190; on stage, 155 f. See Deus ex Mâchinâ

Goethe, 10, 243

Graces, The, 103

Grenfell, 24


Haigh, 230

Hardy, T., 232

Harrison, J. E., 63, 220

Hecataêus, 48

Helen, 159

Hellenism, 39

Héracles, Children of, 41. See under Euripides

Heraclîtus, 62

Herd, The, 191 f., 193

Heroes, 64 f.

Heródotus, 20, 3942, 52 f., 105

Hêsiod, 47

Hippócrates, 21

Historical Spirit, 198 f.

Homer, 36, 189, 227

Horace, 220

Hubris, 62, 125

Hunt, 24

Hygiaînon, 165

Hypérbolus, 108 f.


Ibsen, 9, 32, 204

Ideas, 44 f., 115

Immortality, 35

Initiations, 35

p. 255

Innocents, Massacre of, 64

Iônia, 44 ff., 49, 50


Jâson, 8083, 204

Johnson, S., 209


Law, 39 ff.

Leicester, Earl of, 59

Lincoln, Abraham, 229


Macaulay, 9

Macedonia, 167171

Magnesia, 167

Mary Magdalen, 64

Masks, 74

Mediaeval Drama, 61, 64

Mégara, 44

Melian Dialogue, 125128

Mêlos, 125130, 191

Memory, 103 f., 240

Menánder. See New Comedy

Menelâüs ("slay us"), 110, 156 ff., 174 f., 204

Meredith, G., 100, 201

Messenger, 212218

Milêtus, Fall of, 65

Military Service, 43, 99 f., 102

Miltîades (ĭ in Greek), 43, 48

Milton, 9, 206

Mnesilochus, 29

Muses, 34, 103

Mysteries, 36

Mystery Plays, 61, 64, 183

Mysticism, 8, 161


Nature, opposed to Convention, 52 f.

Nelson, Horatio, 229

Nefrekepta, 228

Nestlé, 8

New Comedy, 171 f., 199 f.

"Nómos." See Convention

Norwood, G., 8


Old Age, 164

Old Year, 62 f.

Olympic Games, 111

Oréstes, 65, 151 ff. See under Euripides


Parian Marble, 22

Paris, Gaston, 60

Pasíphaë, 78

Patriotism, 96. See Plays, patriotic.

Paul, 139

Peasants, Greek, 45 f. 115

Peloponnêsian War, 88, 91, 105108

Péntheus, 64, 179 f.

Péricles, 42, 51, 57, 89, 106 f.

Persians, 36

Persian War, 36, 37

Phaédra, 8486, 210 f.

Philóchorus, 23 ff., 26

Philodêmus, 166

Phlya, 35 f., 46

Phrynichus, 42

Phûsis (υ in Greek). See Nature

Pindar, 47, 118, 137

Plato, 15, 29, 32, 50, 137

Plays. See under Authors: Euripides’, patriotic, 89 f., 96; early, 6977; after 415, 140 ff.

Plûtarch, 111

Poets, ancient and modern, 99 f.

Polygnôtus, 42, 43

Porson, 9

Preparation, 214219

Pródicus, 55

Prologues, 205210

Promêtheus, 204. See Aeschylus

Protágoras, 29, 5355

Pythágoras, 49


Realism, 19, 75, 172, 222; aversion from, 101 f.

Religion, 188192

Resurrection, 35, 63, 179, 188 f.

Rhyme, 201

Ridgeway, 63

Ritual in tragedy, 6166, 172, 200; forms, 63, 179

Romance, 72 f., 140144, 203

Russell, B., 241


Salamis, 28, 37, 163; battle of, 22, 65

Sátyrus, 23 ff., 31

Sátyr-plays, 66 f.

Scott, W., 32

Sex questions, 77 f., 119

Shakespeare, 59, 206 f., 241

Shaw, G. B., 203

Shelley, 9, 18, 92, 232

Sicilian Expedition, 128, 168, 191

Sicily, 127, 168

Simônides, 142

Sincerity of Greek Tragedy, 201

Slavery, 135136, 173176, 121123

Sócrates, 29, 56

Sóphia (Wisdom), 38, 49, 90, 107, 192

Sophists, 44 f., 4958, 114

Sóphocles, 9, 11, 33, 170, 204

   Ajax, 65

p. 256

   Antîgone, 33, 69, 204

   Eléctra, 151, 154, 204

   Oêdipus Tyránnus, 33, 214, 233

   Philoctêtes, 74

Sparta, 37

Speeches in tragedy, 210

Steiger, 8

Stesíchorus, 145

"Súnesis ," 189

Superstition, 46 f., 114117, 222, f.

Swinburne, 18, 183, 201

Sympathy, shift of, 185 f.


Tácitus, 20

Tennyson, 100

Thebes, 41, 147

Themístocles, 37, 40 ff., 48, 167

Theophany. See Deus ea Mâchinâ

Thêseus, 42, 93; sons of, 88; in Hippolytus, 84

Thesmophória. See Aristophanes

Thracians, 43

Thucydides, 105108, 124128, 168

Timótheus, 30, 167

Tolstoy, 166

Tradition, 14; of fifth century, 15; in tragedy, 6166, 172, 181; in art, 17

Tragedy, origin, 63 f.; ritual in, see Ritual; essence, 242 f.; dress, etc., 73 f.; performances, 67; "most tragic," 10, 133, 243

Translations, 196 ff.

Trilogy, 66


Vegetation-spirit, 35, 61 ff.

Verisimilitude in art, 227, 231

Verrall, A. W., 8, 98, 157, 197

Victorian age, 16

"Virtue," 38, 40, 49


War Party, 31, 112, 141, 164

Wars, Persian and Peloponnesian. See s.v.

Wells, H. G., 158

Whitman, W., 18

Wilamowitz, 138, 197

William the Silent, 34

"Wisdom," 38, 49, 90, 107, 192

Women in Athens, 32 f., 82, ff.; in Euripides, 83 ff., 119124, 135


Xûthus, 119124


Year, Old and New, 66 ff.


Zeus, 204

Zeûxis, 168