The Discourses of Epictetus, tr. by P.E Matheson, [1916], at
2-1 These were used by beaters in hunting.
2-2 This refers to the ceremony of manumission. Epictetus may mention this so frequently because he himself was a freedman.
2-3 'It is not certain whether in this sentence and the next Epictetus is thinking of Jews or of Christians, who at this time were often confused with them.' (Matheson)
2-4 'Three campaigns in the cavalry or six in the infantry were the period laid down in the so-called Municipal Law of Caesar as a qualification for a seat in a municipal Senate.' (Matheson)
2-5 The ancient cure for insanity.
2-6 I.e., from the Marcian aqueduct at Rome.
2-7 Cf. Book I, note 7.
2-8 'The best-known instance of this sophism is "Epimenides says the Cretans are always liars, but he is himself a Cretan. Does he lie or tell the truth?"' (Matheson)
2-9 Cf. Book II, chap. XIX.
2-10 The text is corrupt here.
2-11 Cf. Book II, note 8.
2-12 'According to the Stoics the "spirit" of vision connected the central mind with the pupil of the eye and similarly with other senses.' (Matheson)
2-13 Cf. Epicurus, fragment 30.