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 How the prize of the third day was given to Sir Launcelot,
 and Sir Launcelot gave it to Sir Tristram.
 THEN all the estates and degrees high and low said of Sir
 Launcelot great worship, for the honour that he did unto Sir
 Tristram; and for that honour doing to Sir Tristram he was at
 that time more praised and renowned than an he had overthrown
 five hundred knights; and all the people wholly for this
 gentleness, first the estates both high and low, and after the
 commonalty cried at once:  Sir Launcelot hath won the field
 whosoever say nay.  Then was Sir Launcelot wroth and ashamed, and
 so therewithal he rode to King Arthur.  Alas, said the king, we
 are all dismayed that Sir Tristram is thus departed from us.  By
 God, said King Arthur, he is one of the noblest knights that ever
 I saw hold spear or sword in hand, and the most courteoust knight
 in his <414>fighting; for full hard I saw him, said King Arthur,
 when he smote Sir Palomides upon the helm thrice, that he abashed
 his helm with his strokes, and also he said:  Here is a stroke
 for Sir Tristram, and thus thrice he said.  Then King Arthur, Sir
 Launcelot, and Sir Dodinas le Savage took their horses to seek
 Sir Tristram, and by the means of Sir Persides he had told King
 Arthur where Sir Tristram was in his pavilion.  But when they
 came there, Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan were gone.
 Then King Arthur and Sir Launcelot were heavy, and returned again
 to the Castle of Maidens making great dole for the hurt of Sir
 Tristram, and his sudden departing.  So God me help, said King
 Arthur, I am more heavy that I cannot meet with him than for all
 the hurts that all my knights have had at the tournament.  Right
 so came Sir Gaheris and told King Arthur how Sir Tristram had
 smitten down Sir Palomides, and it was at Sir Palomides' own
 request.  Alas, said King Arthur, that was great dishonour to Sir
 Palomides, inasmuch as Sir Tristram was sore wounded, and now may
 we all, kings, and knights, and men of worship, say that Sir
 Tristram may be called a noble knight, and one of the best
 knights that ever I saw the days of my life.  For I will that ye
 all, kings and knights, know, said King Arthur, that I never saw
 knight do so marvellously as he hath done these three days; for
 he was the first that began and that longest held on, save this
 last day.  And though he was hurt, it was a manly adventure of
 two noble knights, and when two noble men encounter needs must
 the one have the worse, like as God will suffer at that time.  As
 for me, said Sir Launcelot, for all the lands that ever my father
 left me I would not have hurt Sir Tristram an I had known him at
 that time; that I hurt him was for I saw not his shield.  For an
 I had seen his black shield, I would not have meddled with him
 for many causes; for late he did as much for me as ever did
 knight, and that is well known that he had ado with thirty
 knights, and no help save Sir Dinadan.  And one thing shall I
 promise, said Sir Launcelot, Sir Palomides <415>shall repent it
 as in his unkindly dealing for to follow that noble knight that I
 by mishap hurted thus.  Sir Launcelot said all the worship that
 might be said by Sir Tristram.  Then King Arthur made a great
 feast to all that would come.  And thus we let pass King Arthur,
 and a little we will turn unto Sir Palomides, that after he had a
 fall of Sir Tristram, he was nigh-hand araged out of his wit for
 despite of Sir Tristram.  And so he followed him by adventure. 
 And as he came by a river, in his woodness he would have made his
 horse to have leapt over; and the horse failed footing and fell
 in the river, wherefore Sir Palomides was adread lest he should
 have been drowned; and then he avoided his horse, and swam to the
 land, and let his horse go down by adventure.