1. He must not offer a Srâddha in a country inhabited by barbarians.
2. He must not visit a country, inhabited by barbarians (excepting on a pilgrimage).
3. By (constantly) drinking water from (or bathing in) a pool situated in a foreign (barbarous) country, he becomes equal to its inhabitants.
4. Those countries are called barbarous (mlekkha) where the system of the four castes does not exist; the others are denoted Âryâvarta, (the abode of the Âryans).
[18. According to Nand., the particles ka and iti refer to the sister's son and other relatives, as enumerated by Yâgñavalkya I, 220, 221.
19. Nand. thinks that ka here refers to ascetics.
LXXXIV. 2. Nand. quotes a stanza of Devala to the effect that one who has visited the countries of Sindh, of the Sauvîras, Surât, and the adjacent parts, Bengal proper, Kalinga, South Bihâr, and Malwa requires to be initiated a second time.
3. 1 Ka refers to pools belonging to Kandâlas or other degraded castes.' (Nand.)
4. Âryâvarta is the name of the whole tract of land which extends from the eastern to the western ocean, and is bounded by the Himalayas and by the Vindhya mountains in the north and south. See Manu II, 21, 22.]