CADMEAN Goddess, universal queen,
Thee, Semele I call, of beauteous mien;
Deep-bosom'd, lovely flowing locks are thine,
Mother of Bacchus, joyful and divine,
The mighty offspring, whom love's thunder bright, 5
Forc'd immature, and fright'ned into light:
Born from the deathless counsels, secret, high,
Of Jove Saturnian, regent of the sky
Whom Proserpine permits to view the light,
And visit mortals from the realms of night: 10
Constant attending on the sacred rites,
And feast triennial, which thy soul delights;
When thy son's wond'rous birth mankind relate,
And secrets deep, and holy celebrate.
Now I invoke thee, great Cadmean queen, 15
To bless these rites with countenance serene.