Sacred-Texts Christianity Index Previous
BARTHOLOMEW, THE APOSTLE. Book of the Resurrection of Christ (in Budge, Coptic Apocrypha, London, 1913).
BASSET, RENÉ. Les Prières de la Vierge à Bartos et au Golgotha, Paris, 1895. French translation from the Ethiopic.
BEZOLD, C. Die Schatzhöhle. Syriac text, Leipzig, 1883; German translation, Leipzig, 1888.
BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS. The Contendings of the Apostles. Ethiopic texts and English translations, 2 vols., London, 1889-1901.
Book of the Bee. Syriac text and English translations, Oxford, 1886.
The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the History of the Likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at. Syriac and English, 2 vols., London, 1899-1901.
Legends of our Lady Mary. Translations from the Ethiopic, London, 1922.
BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS. Coptic Apocrypha. Coptic and English, London, 1913.
Miscellaneous Coptic texts. Coptic and English, London, 1915.
CHARLES, CANON R. H. The Book of Enoch, translated from Dillmann's Ethiopic text, Oxford, 1893.
DILLMANN, A. Liber Henoch Aethiopice, Leipzig, 1851.
Das Buch Henosh übersetzt und erklärt, Leipzig, 1853.
ENGER, M. Joannis Apostoli de Transitu Beatae Mariae Virginis Liber, Elberfeld, 1854.
FABRICIUS, J. A. Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, 3 vols., Hamburg, 1719-43.
HOFFMANN, A. G. Das Buch Henoch in vollständiger Übersetzung, 2 vols., Jena, 1833-38.
LAWRENCE, R. The Book of Enoch the Prophet, Oxford, 1838, English translation.
JAMES, M; R. The Apocryphal New Testament, Oxford, 1924. This comprehensive work entirely supersedes Hone's Apocryphal New Testament.
Apocrypha Anecdota, I, Cambridge, 1893.
LEWIS, A. S. Mythological Acts of the Apostles, Cambridge, 1904 (in Arabic).
LIPSIUS, R. A. Die apokryphen Apostelgeshichten, Brunswick, 1883-90.
LIPSIUS, R. A., and BONNET, M. Acta Apostolorum, Leipzig, 1891-1903.
MALAN, S. C. The Book of Adam and Eve, or the Conflict of Adam with Satan, London, 1822. Translation from the Ethiopic.
PHILLIPS, G. The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle, London, 1876.
ROBINSON, F. Coptic Apocryphal Gospels, Cambridge, 1896.
THILO, J. C. Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, Leipzig, 1832.
TISCHENDORF, C. Apocalypses Apocryphae, Leipzig, 1866.
TRUMPP, E. Gadla Adam, Der Kampf Adams gegen die Versuchungen des Satans. Das christliche Adambuch des Morgenlandes, Munich, 1880. Ethiopic text.
Die Hexaëmeron des Pseudo-Epiphanius, Munich, 1882. Ethiopic text and German translation.
WRIGHT, W. "Contributions to the Apocryphal Literature of the New Testament" (in Journal of Sacred Literature, Vol. VI, pp. 417-448, and Vol. VII, pp. 110-160, January and April, 1865).
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols., 1871.