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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                         Divine Circle of The Sacred Grove ***SCAM**
                             Office of the Preceptor
                 P.O. Box 66311, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. 98166
           To the Pagan Community:
                 In July of 1991, ADF sent out a Druid Alert about an
           organization called the Divine Circle of the Sacred Grove. ADF
           began investigating this group because they were using ADF
           letterhead, membership forms, advertising copy, and other
           materials with their names substituted for ours. Prior to raising
           any public issues, ADF's Preceptor, Domi O'Brien called the group
           and talked to their Scribe, Kal Mannis. Mr. Mannis told her that
           if she had questions, she could come to a public meeting on July
           2nd, 1991, in Seattle, and ask them there.
                 Domi, Bwca, Erynn and members of 4 other Traditions and
           organizations attended their talk. We noted with increasing
           amazement their claims and their views of the interrelationship
           of Druidism and Wicca, and after they mentioned Isaac Bonewits,
           Domi challenged some of their staements, as the ADF Preceptor.
           The DCSG literature going back to 1988 was examined, along with
           other staements which have been made to us or others. Janette
           Laverna Garcia a/k/a Gordon a/k/a Copeland, born 2/9/1942,
           Houston TX,; Richard Norman Ian Garcia a/k/a Gordon a/k/a
           Copeland, born 8/12/1940, Prescott, AZ; Jerry Eugene Everett
           Wayne Reamer a/k/a Prophet, born 8/12/1948, Pottstown, PA; Kalman
           Mannis, Nancy Brown, Brenda Matarazzo, David Trippey, Donovan
           Cotton; Dr. Jay Tibbles, Mary Ernst, and others affiliated with
           their group were examined for legitamate mundane and magickal
           credentials. The only person whose credentials we were able to
           verify was Dr. Jay Tibbles.
                 Janette's claims, as given in her various peices of
           literature, and as made to us, or to persons whose credentials we
           were able to verify, include: Hereditary Witch and Druid; Pipe
           Carrier for the Lumbee, the Sioux, the Cherokee, and the Chumash;
           member of the MotherGrove and Board of Directors of the ADF, as
           well as group marriage to the entire ADF Board of Directors;
           membership and 3rd Circle status in the British Circle of the
           Universal Bond; training by Ross Nichols, 3rd Degree Celtic and
           Egyptian Priestess; 3rd Degree Alexandrian Priestess, New York,
           1973; 3rd Degree Gardinarian Priestess, New York, 1965;
           incorporation of her organization in 14 states; training by
           Rhuddlwm Gawr, and training by Grandmaster Eli (Barney Taylor, of
           the Druidic Craft of the Wise), marriage to Eli, as well as being
           both Eli's daughter and graddaughter. She has also claimed to be
           a registereed nurse, a cosmetologist; a paralegal; a professional
           writer of romance novels, and a Vietnam Veteran. Ms. Copeland (?)
           claims that she has 10,000 people on her mailing list, groves all
           over the United States, and that she was born in London during
           the Blitz, although she has alos claimed that she was born in
           Houston TX. Ms Garcia (?) claims that her father, a U.S. Army
           Major on Eisenhower's staff during WW II (not, by the way,
           Grandmaster Eli), and her mother, a nurse now resident in
           Atlanta, were both members of the Circle of the Universal Bond.
           She claims that she was raised by a Cherokee grandfather. She
           claims to have been teaching Wicca, which she says is a
           simplified version of Druidism for the masses, since 1954, when
           she was 12 years old.
                 Ms Gordon(?) took Lady Sabrin's course from Our Lady of
           Enchanment in 1987 and 1988, giving totally different information
           about herself then she gives now. According to Lady Sabrina,
           Janette has been selling Sabrina's courses as her own ever since.
           We have examined lessons from Janette's and Sabrina's courses,
           and they are indeed substantially identical, except that Sabrina
           can spell.
                 Janette joined ADF in 1987, giving yet another set of data
           about herself, claiming no leadership positions, newsletters, or
           other affiliations. A check of the material on her application
           shows it to be substantially false.
                 In checking Janette's claims, we contacted the Secretary of
           state, and Board of Nursing Registrations in the 14 states in
           which she claimed incorporation. Her organization is incorporated
           only in Washington and California. She is not listed as a
           registered nurse anywhere we checked. She and her group were
           offering BA's, MA's, and PhD's in Washington State until directed
           to cease and desist by the Higher Education Coordinating Board.
           They later obtained a religious exemption by saying that they
           were offering degrees only in Divinity and Theology. Former
           mebers of their organization state that most of their claims in
           their catalog as to available courses and faculty credentials are
                 In examining their other claims we contacted over two
           hundred persons and groups in this country and abroad in an
           effort to authenticate their initiations and organizational
                 No one we contacted verified any of the DCSG's claims. All
           stated that they had never trained or initiated any known
           officers or members of the DCSG. Most had never even heard of
           them. Furthur, former members of her organization have mentioned
           paying thousands of dollars for courses, and additional thousands
           paid out on "tithes" -- 10% of their annual income to support the
           work of the Order of Melchizadek (demanded in the middle of their
           initiation or elevation rituals). We have also been contacted by
           Social Serrvices, Education, Law Enforcement and other
           authorities for other information about DCSG, and/or its members.
                 ADF and some other Pagan groups and organziations are
           cooperating fully with these investigations, and have made it
           clear to the investigators that we do not regard these people as
           legitamate members of the Pagan community, since none of their
           alleged training and initiations can be verified, and may have
           been directly disproven. As Pagans, whatever our path, we can
           ill-afford to remain silent while groups knowingly steal and sell
           courses written by others, claiming training ties to the most
           senior and respected members of our community that they do not
           have, and engage in questionable behaviour presenting themselves
           as our kin, elders, and representatives to the world at large.
           Domi O'Brien            T. Bwca           Erynn Darkstar
           DTG Priestess           Elder, NECTW      Greenleaf Coven
           CWO Priestess                             Inis Glas
           Preceptor/Vice ArchDruid, ADF
           By: Domi O
           To: Lewis Stead
           Re: Details, please.
           Lady Sabrina was initiated by Bob Moshier and Dorothy Trion in
           Tuscon Arizona in 1978, according to what she says. She was in
           Danville, California for a
           while, near San Franscisco; and was in COG (I have not checked
           this); she then studied with Gavin and Yvonne in New Bern for 1 and
           a half years; then moved to Billerica, Mass; then to Hudson, NH;
           then Nashua, NH. I was in Epping, NH when a Gardnerian friend and
           fellow NH College administrator, Gerry Reilly, introduced me to
           Sabrina. Since I am Daughters of the Triple Goddess and Celtic
           Wiccan Order trained, Gerry's brand of witchcraft and Sabrina's
           struck me equally weird.
           I talked to Gavin and Yvonne last week; they feel Sabrina has
           borrowed heavily from them but they don't have an issue with it and
           they don't consider their organisation and hers to be connected.
           In 1987 Geraldine Gumm aka Gerri Garcia aka Queen Druid aka Laura
           Copeland aka Janette Gordon aka Janette Copeland aka Laverna Gordon
           aka Laverna Copeland aka Gerry Garcia aka Gerri Gunn aka Gerri Teah
           Garcia aka Jerry Leah Garcia took Sabrina's course; in winter of
           1989 she began advertising a coorespondence course in Wicca, which
           according to Sabrina is Sabrina's. I've looked at them; they are
           very much alike.  The Frosts and Sabrina both teach non-mainstream
           Wicca and charged for Craft when no one was doing that. I have
           heard far more negative things about some far more mainstream
           figures; both the Frosts and Sabrina are very public and really
           seem to have nothing to hide.  What they teach isn't my Craft, but
           I will defend their right to practice their version and teach it
           as they see fit. Or did you mean something else ?
           Domi of ADF
           By: Domi O
           To: Corwynt
           Re: ADF letter
           Indeed it is from us. Since then, we have gotten "Janette's" arrest
           and conviction records from New Mexico and word from a usually
           reliable source that her real name may be Geraldine Gumm, and real
           date of birth may be 2-9-40. I am also informed by a law
           enforcement source that she has other records in several states.
           These range from child neglect to unlawful touching of dead bodies
           to kidnapping.
           Her group was investigated in 1975 in Arizona for dead bodies and
           missing persons, moved a bit over a hundred miles as the crow
           flies, and she and her husband were arrested in New Mexico in 1978.
           The children involved were returned to their parents, two being
           kept in social service custody while it was determined to whom they
           belonged, and two members of the group were "deprogramed" by Ted
           Patrick. She was calling herself "Queen Druid" then and initiating
           folks as "WI" or "witch one". I have a lovely pile of court papers
           and newspaper clippings I will gladly share with anyone who'd like
           to send me $4 for photocopying and postage...
           Domi O'Brien 
           Box 66311
           Seattle, WA 98166

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