Parkes heard his version on Cape Coast, Africa.
Jekyll, 108-113, Leah and Tiger, tells the story. In my number 17 a, it is the mother who is hidden away. In Bahama versions, Parsons, 35-39, the plot turns upon the rescue of the lost girl through song rather than, as in Jamaica, upon the voice-changing trick by which she is stolen.
Compare Jacottet, 62-69, Tremearne, 401; FL 21: 492-493; Hollis, Masai, 153-155; Callaway, 142-144; Theal, 118-120; Renel 1:247-249; Frazer, FLJ 7:167-168; Harris, Nights, 251-252; 257-260; Parsons, Sea Islands, 50-52; Rattray 2:14.
See Grimm 5, Wolf and Kids; Bolte u. Polívka 1:37-42, and Grimm 12, Rapunzel; Bolte u, Polívka 1:97-99.
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